
World Economic Forum Agenda: Tech Revolution Taking Place in Eastern Europe
Mar 16

CEE tech organizations still value low cost outsourcing, yet their aspirations and capabilities are way higher. They strive to be equal partners, solve complex problems and build interesting products. Outsharing is the right approach to successfully work with remote partners and it allows us to dramatically extend the talent pool for writing value driven software. Software which drives the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Software which heals the world. So, whenever you hear CEE from a tech perspective, think wider, think tech, think outsharing, Tomas Pagirys, co-founder of, writes at World Economic Forum's Agenda.

Cheap talent and cost reduction used to be considered the primary drivers of outsourcing. However, the situation has changed in recent years years. Many CEE firms have grown into solid centres of competence, equal tech partners and value-added developers. There has been a shift in the motives behind outsourcing from labour price arbitrage to expanding the talent pool. That reasonably leads to the question – is CEE tired of low cost outsourcing?

In short, the answer would be no. The experience of working with the network of top software development companies in CEE reveals that they still value business opportunities from low cost outsourcing and treat it is as a great revenue stream. However, their ambitions and aspirations have grown together with their competency and contributions to the development of many tech products around the globe. Many CEE development firms have grown and primitive tasks do not interest them as much as before. They want to be equal partners, solve complex problems and express themselves. We call it outsharing.

Read the full article here.