
Dozen of Workshops at LOGIN Startup Fair’s Hardware District
Apr 19

Hardware District is another novelty at this year's LOGIN Startup Fair, it's a zone to meet the Lithuanian maker's movement, and, most importantly, to have your hands on hardware. We already have 9 makerspaces and maker communities confirmed to be present at the Hardware District, and they have more than a dozen of workshops scheduled for the LOGIN Startup Fair. Let's have a quick look on what's on the makers' plate this year.

  • Green Garage will run a LED lamp making workshop where the basics of electronics, component selection and soldering will be taught, while the lamp will be made using 3D-printed elements and organic glass.
  • Speaking of 3D printing, Green Garage will also hold a workshop where everyone will be able to print out its own 3D-souvenir.
  • CNC cutting workshop will also be organized by Green Garage so everyone will be able to create and cut out its own souvenir from plywood.
  • LED throwies by M-LAB (Meškėnų laboratorija), Kaunas Makerspace and What happens when you stick strong magnet together with battery and LED? You get a throwie – just throw them up where they stick and glow! You will be shown how to make one yourself.
  • Rapid prototyping with kids by M-LAB. Fab-Lab prototyping workshops with kids from different schools.
  • M-LAB will also help you to make laser cut-engraved badges and magnets. With your name on it!
  • Learning how to make a reflective vinyl sticker is also of tremendous value. Courtesy of M-LAB.
  • Discarded electronics turned into jewellery by KTU StartupSpace. Also, our friends from Kaunas will showcase the games their resident startups have made.
  • CNC-cut pankakes? Only at a workshop by Linkmenų fabrikas. Want to have your selfie or a celebrity picture printed on a pancake? Look no further.
  • Electronics and gadgets also produce sounds we often don't hear. Linkmenų fabrikas crew will help us to hear it!
  • Binaural sounds by Linkmenų fabrikas. A binaural sound recording and playing technology will be showcased.
  • Your very own badge by Linkmenų fabrikas. Take a selfie and have it printed on a badge in minutes!
  • Serigraphy workshop by Padirbtuvės. Print your own custom t-shirt with serigraphy, a printing method when the print job is transferred on the material using the silk thread of different thickness.
  • BHV Generator's N-2 physics-chemistry labs. The participants of labs performances will learn what causes the electrical discharge, will see the current melting metal and lightning created Lichtenberg shapes; as well as N-2 scientists answer, what is the heat, and where is the coldest place in the universe, will allow your hands to touch 200 °C of cold, and to test the physics and other interesting laboratory work.
  • Finally, BHV Generator will carry out a woodwork workshop. BHV Generator workshop visitors will have the opportunity to produce small crafts of wood (nesting boxes, frames, cards, etc.products), use of workshop tools available to develop joint projects. Generator workshop masters will help and teach them.

Also, our friends from Technariumas, and Robotikos mokykla will showcase their works and opportunities to create.

LOGIN Startup Fair starts in a bit more than two weeks and is completely free to attend, you won't need the LOGIN conference tickets to visit the Hardware District, the Conference and to meet and greet 50+ startups. Masterclass tickets have just been launched, don't miss your chance to have nearly private knowledge sharing sessions with professionals from Uber and for only 10 EUR. 

See you very soon!

LOGIN Startup Fair is organised by Enterprise Lithuania and Startup Lithuania

LOGIN Startup Fair is a part of the EC initiative of Single Marker Forum.