

Veleza launched an investment campaign on SeedInvest and Crowdcube
Aug 20

Veleza, a leading destination for beauty product ratings, reviews and photos is now accepting investments from private investors partnering with the two of the world’s leading equity crowdfunding platforms – SeedInvest and Crowdcube.

With the community-sourced content and product feedback, Veleza helps consumers make smarter product choices. Veleza believes that wisdom of the crowds can be harnessed to make the experience of finding and purchasing beauty products simple and rewarding. Since launch in 2015, Veleza community members generated 29 thousand product reviews, uploaded 105 thousand product related photos and videos, and answered 730 thousand survey questions.

“The growing reliance on user-generated content in beauty is having an increasingly tangible influence on consumer’s purchasing decisions.” – says CEO Martynas Nikolajevas.

Partnership with equity crowdfunding platforms creates a unique opportunity for people to buy ownership shares in private companies. Investors can make their money in a range of ways, including if the company is acquired or goes public. Veleza is aiming to raise £500k ($657k) to grow its business through product development, content distribution and new user acquisition.

With Veleza’s recently launched campaign on SeedInvest and Crowdcube, the company is excited to welcome everyone on its journey to help people find matching beauty products.

If you would like to learn more, please visit