

A Team From Klaipėda Has Developed Unique Computer Security Programme
Oct 30


At a hackathon that took place at the weekend, a team from Klaipėda developed a smart computer security plug-in that recognizes unique computer user’s skills and thus identifies the person. Although the plug-in currently has 60 percent accuracy, the experts believe that the success of this product in Lithuanian and foreign markets is guaranteed.

For the fourth year in a row, the 48-hour event Hacker Games has been organised in Klaipėda by the startup ecosystem development team Startup Lithuania of the non-profit agency Enterprise Lithuania. One of the three winning teams Definitely Not a Keylogger Team together with mentors realized its long-matured business idea, which according to the author of the idea Julius Venskus was inspired by work with students.

“Since I work with students, I have noticed one key problem. Often, people love to cheat: they transfer own work to another person to do it, make use of colleague and friend’s knowledge, as most of testing, for example, at schools and universities are computer-based. It is enough to know the login details and you are free to perform another person’s task. That is why I had an idea of creating a plugin that will allow identifying each individual by his unique biometric data and prevent such forms of fraud,” says Julius Venskus from Klaipėda.

According to the author of the idea, every person has his own unique behavioural manners, which can be sufficiently precisely recognised by the software. It is enough to leave your example of behaviour once, namely to use the computer accessories, the mouse or the keyboard, and the software remembers the speed of your movements and trajectories of control. Although the software is only 60 percent accurate now, the authors of the idea are calm, because no one is using such recognition of dynamics of keys sequence.

 “We do not have competitors in this area so far. There is similar software across the globe based on similar principle, but their technology is different from ours as well as the area of usage. Most of these products work as a second factor authentication by entering codes or passwords, while we are trying to develop much more unique and complex product that recognizes any text only according to biometric readings,” states J. Venskus when speaking about the opportunities of the product.

18-year-old from Klaipėda has developed a screw sorting machine

Three business ideas were announced winners at the event and one of them is the screw sorting machine created by 18-year-old Simas Račkys. The developer says that the idea of creating it came from simple everyday situations, when it became difficult to find suitable screws among different ones.

“We all perfectly know that screws at home are not actually kept in separate boxes according to their purpose. Most often, it becomes a difficult task to find the right one among many in one place. The machine I am developing is special because it is able to identify the screw according to its external properties and it sorts them into separate boxes. This solution will help you find the tools you need and save your time,” says the author and developer of the idea of the machine Simas Račkys.

Although the machine is not yet fully functional, its author is actively thinking of its further development and possibilities for its enhancement.  

“Currently, the machine is programmed to recognize screws on the principle of a calliper and the main criterion is diameter. In the future, I intend to install special sensors and cameras in the machine that will be able to identify the screw’s head, a suitable screwdriver,” says S. Račkys.

In the gaming league – unique gravity solutions

Participants at the Hacker Games creative workshop can compete in the game developing league. This year, the game Attractive Lifestyle has been announced the winner.

“During the hackathon, we created a multiplayer game where players control the gravity of each other’s room and try to eliminate each other with the objects affected by gravity. Although we have not developed a business model yet or a strategy for selling the product, we will develop the project further. I believe that the main challenges that await us in developing the product in the gaming industry is to raise awareness about the game,” says Rytis Mikalauskas the developer of the game Attractive Lifestyle.

Mentors: there is plenty of potential in Klaipėda

When making comments on business competition in the port city of Klaipėda, the event’s mentor and innovation manager of the Science and Technology Park Erika Zavackienė says that the community of the port city has a lot of potential to create added value for the city and for Lithuania as a whole.

“I was really impressed by serious and responsible attitude of the participants when working on their tasks. I admire the openness of enthusiasts, the desire to share knowledge and work together, as well as to catch and support the idea of another person, especially keeping in mind that the teams were formed on the spot. And while many participants would probably admit that they were short of another night in preparing for the final presentation, we are really pleased with the result,” says the hackathon mentor. 

Her view is shared by Roberta Rudokienė, head of the startup ecosystem development team Startup Lithuania of the non-profit agency Enterprise Lithuania, who states that the potential in the Klaipėda region is enormous and huge efforts are put to develop it, including schools, universities and other educational institutions.

“Our range of activities covers education of all cities in the country. The Startup Lithuania team constantly visits both large cities and regions, especially schools and universities, with a purpose of educating the public, the younger generation and introducing them to a different career path,” says R. Rudokienė.

We want to say huge thanks to our sponsors: Vilkyškių pieninėRed Bulland NuttyNuff who provided us with snacks and beverages that were instrumental to our participants. Also TeleSoftas, Tesonet and Game Insight for sponsoring cash prizes to our winning teams.