
Startup Of The Week

Startup Of the Week: Tasker
May 14

Have you ever heard about Field Service Management and a solution that can reshape the way field workers operate?  “Startup Of the Week” presents a success story shared by Arūnas Eitutis, CEO of Tasker.

So what is Tasker? How does it work?

TASKER is an effective and transparent SaaS solution that transforms the way businesses manage their field service work. In human language, it means that with Tasker companies can manage:

– Service managers, field workers, and customers who are connected in real time;

– Tasker mobile add-on enhances existing business management systems (CRM, ERP, etc.)

– Get multiple work reports that will allow you to analyze performance, measure ROI, and reward the best employees.

What are your competitors and competitive advantages?

FSM is like CRM a few years ago, so the competition is growing. However, there’s room for improvement, as the penetration rate in the 2bn market is only 25%. Nonetheless, we have to educate the market, as a paper & pen is still the main competitor for all FSM solutions.

Honestly, the most strenuous battle for new customers does not come from Europe it comes from North America.

What makes us more flexible and integral than our competitors is that our service is an add-on and we aren’t competing with CRM or ERP tools. Although, nowadays, competition is taking roots.

What were the reasons behind coming up with this idea and launching this product?

The answer is as simple as it is: customers. With the help of the first Tasker customer Alwark (big thanks and 12 points goes for Tadas Blaževičius) and later on others, one of our co-founding companies Tele2 found out that there is a need for such a solution in the market. As a result, both Tele2 and iTO (Technology partner of Tele2) decided to invest and build a tool for a very own and first customer Alwark.

When exactly did you launch, what were the main challenges before launching?

The first version was launched on 2013.11.30. “There are T-Shirts in iTo and Tele2 offices with the symbolic date and founders’ signatures on them,” – said, CEO of Tasker, Arūnas Eitutis.

We thought that we had a product on that date, but after launching it, we understood that it has only ~30% of needed functionalities. That’s how we learned our first lesson.

What are your target customers? Both in terms of user profile and geography?

Depends on the industry and country, but we mainly target SMBs that have remote, field employees. We are leading in security, heavy machinery, facility management, and vending industries in the Lithuanian market. Hence, it’s strange to hear when a company is not using our solution, especially when 9 out of 10 of its customers are already implementing Tasker.

Before we got an investment, we were actively selling in the Baltics, but now is the time to conquer the world. We are SaaS with 100% automated onboarding, so we are trying to use online sales channels, as well as, direct sales reps to reach our targets for the next 12 months.

What are the main challenges while working on this product and what do you do to overcome them?

That’s one solution for a wide range of businesses. Despite being in the same industry, companies have different processes. So, it’s quite hard to find out which functionalities suit them all. At the same time, you can’t overload user interface with features that only 20% of users will use. That’s where the mastery of User Experience steps in, and we think we are really good at it.

The second challenge is to be fast enough to reach new potential customers, because of 2 reasons:

1. The Market penetration is shallow (around 25%) and when you think, we could be the first ones to speak about field service management solutions and thereby help customers to improve their business, make it more efficient or increase KPI’s.

2. “Most of our competitors don’t have a stable or standard product. For this reason, they start customizing their product after hearing about a number of licenses that are required. In this case, the winner is the one who finds the right and most convenient method to develop a more standard and non-customizable way to get new customers, “– says CDO of Tasker, Gražvydas Kaminskas.

How are you funded? Do you seek extra funding?

Last year, in the 2nd round of investment, we got 300 000 EUR investment from Open Circle Capital and iTo. Still, there’s an option that one more investor will join in a few months. Even before this round, we had our break even, so we are excited about our accomplishments. Now we’re looking forward to expanding to other markets.

Please introduce your founders, your core team and your broader team?

Frankly, there are too many to mention, but iTo and Tele2 Lithuania are covering all of them. But here you go, it’s our team passionately helping to onboard new customers and to reach new markets.

How has business been so far? Could you share some numbers to illustrate this (users, sales, etc)?

16 million kilometers traveled, 2 million tasks completed with Tasker. With Tasker’s help, in 2018, our customers saved ~800 trees. Each month we build stronger and stronger relationships with our customers and satisfaction rating of our system and app reached 4.8/5.0.

Future plans, ambitions? Simply speaking – what’s next?

It’s time to prove that we are desired not only in the Baltics but also in other markets.

Thank you for your answers!