
Startup Of The Week

Startup of The Week: TableAir
Apr 03

TableAir joins the “Startup of The Week” rubric and presents themselves as a team creating a smart table which aims to convert your office into a more responsive workspace. We interviewed Lukas Lukoševičius – the CEO at TableAir and asked him some questions – find the answers below.

So what is TableAir? How does it work?

TableAir is a company that specialises in smart workspace and proptech areas. We design, engineer and produce a range of iOT sensors and software sollutions. Our products convert any office into a smart and responsive space. Together with our software solution (app+web), it allows people to book their workspace resources such as desks and meeting rooms whilst bridging the gap between the digital and physical workspace.

What are your competitors and competitive advantages?

One could tell that Google Calendar is our competitor, but in reality we’re building a system which is combined of 3 areas:

  • Bookings – in offices that have flex-work, people work at different desks every time, can book their desk in advance via TableAir app;
  • Analytics – with our iOT sensors attached to desk, company can track the actual usage of their work enivronment, if the sensor is attached to sit/stand desk they can see how those desks are actually being used;
  • Wellness – if the sensors are attached to a sit/stand desk, we know if the person was standing or siting for too long and remind the person to change the position.

What were the reasons behind coming up with this idea and launching this product?

We launched initially as a smart sit/stand desk, which we sold worldwide and which we still manufacture and sell – our products can be found HERE. A worldwide distributor network was established and we were selling the desks all over the world but people always wanted something different – different size, materials, etc., so after receiving feedback from the market we’ve developed our technology as a stand alone product that we sell to furniture manufacturers and some large organizations.

When exactly did you launch, what were the main challenges before launching?

We launched in 2014, and just this month (March 2018) we’ve entered into our 5th year – which is very exciting, the expierence we gathered allows us to better orientate in the smart office market. Being active for 5 years already poses a question are we still a startup? And the answer is absolutely YES. We’ve never gave up the passion for innovation and are continuously improving and polishing all of our products.

What are your target customers? Both in terms of user profile and geography?

Geography is anywhere in the world where real estate rent is above 20eur/sq meter. And company vise – companies that have a sizeable amount of employees.

What are main challenges while working on this product and how are you overcoming them?

Main challenges are creating a system that lets people have a meaningful connection with their work environment, system which empowers them and makes their worklife a more enjoyable experience, whilst giving tools for management to optimise company expenditure list.

How are you funded? Do you seek extra funding?

We’ve raised a series of investment rounds from VC funds and Angel Investors.

Please introduce your founders, your core team and your broader team?

The co-founders are Lukas Lukoševičius (CEO) and Justinas Vilimas (CTO)
The engineering team is comprised of experienced electronics engineering team that can produce any electronic device.

How has business been so far? Could you share some numbers to illustrate this (users, sales, etc)?

In terms of exposure we’ve got reslerres and our desks on all continets (except south america, africa and antarctica). A sensor and software products are to be launched this year so we’re anticipating large growth.

Future plans, ambitions? Simply speaking – what’s next?

At one point of time we want to be the major office operating system all over the world. It always was sad for me when traveling aboard people asked where I’m from, I had to explain long and hard where Lithuania is. My goal is when a person asks you “Where are you from?” and you answer “Lithuania”, that person will say something like “Aaah yes I know, we use TableAir at our office”

Thank you for the answers!