
Startup Of The Week

Startup Of The Week: Whatagraph
Jan 16

It’s time to introduce you another great Lithuanian startup! This week it’s Whatagraph – a startup that helps people see and understand their website statistics. Whatagraph team joined Startup Lithuania Roadshow 2017 and visited world’s leading tech conferences. Justas Malinauskas, CEO and founder of Whatagraph told us more about the startup and Roadshow insights.

So what is Whatagraph? How it works?

Justas: Digital marketing agencies around the world use Whatagraph as the simplest and fastest solution to automate their analytics reporting flow and present remarkably visual marketing reports to their clients.

Whatagraph provides one centralized reporting platform, with intuitive client management system and flexible reporting set up. You connect your marketing channels and Whatagraph does the rest – from automated data collection to on-the-spot data visualization and presentation.

What are your competitors and competitive advantages?

Justas: Our competition includes other analytics reporting solutions, as well as dashboard tools and sheets/excel.

Surprisingly, many marketers still use sheets for their reporting, which are time consuming, slow, require technical expertise in terms of knowing where to find all the data, and, obviously, are hard to make sense of.

Whatagraph, on the contrary, is very easy to use. Reports are fast, exciting, visual and engaging to read – that is one competitive advantage where other competitors are still pretty far behind.

Also, everybody in the company is able to use Whatagraph reports – even without the technical expertise or advanced analytics knowledge, the data is understandable and accessible for everyone.

At this point, Whatagraph reports are the most visual and engaging in the market. Clients find them easy to understand, while marketers can focus on building relationship and improving strategies. Actually, it’s not uncommon for agencies to move from their reporting needs to Whatagraph just because it’s easier to use and it offers reports that clients actually like and understand, when comparing to other solutions in the market.

(photo by Whatagraph)

What were the reasons behind coming up with this idea and launching this product?

Justas: The idea to create visual automated analytics reports was born when Justas, the CEO of Whatagraph, found himself struggling in a deep dive session with Google Analytics data. After unsuccessful attempts to find a product that automatically emails simple analytics reports, he found that there was nothing out there. Soon after, with support from his brothers, Whatagraph was developed and launched.

When exactly did you launch, what were the main challenges before launching?

Justas: Whatagraph was founded in February 2015 by Justas Malinauskas, the CEO and co-founder of the company.

The main challenge was to find best fitting early-adopters, who would test the product properly and would provide actual feedback. So finding the right people and getting their feedback took more than two months of endless cold calling, but still – it was absolutely fun!

What are main challenges while working on this product and how are you overcoming them?

Justas: Building the tech and growing the team was pretty challenging, but not as challenging as finding the most effective sprint and task management structure that fits the team and creates the best setting to enable effective and fast company growth.

Realisation that product feature development doesn’t happen in one loop was another eye-opening experience. It’s not difficult to get feedback from the clients, but this is just the start of the process with several stages, involving prioritisation, decision making, communication, building and testing.

We found that allowing space for failing and learning is absolutely fine, and usually more creative ideas are born during this process.

All in all, it’s all about trial and error. From finding new channels where to spread the word about Whatagraph, to getting all the team in tune with our key goals and vision. The more we try, the more we learn and move forward.

How are you funded? Do you seek extra funding?

Justas: Whatagraph is funded by private angel investors and co-founders.

We also have an open round, which will move us towards this year’s goal to cross € 1M in revenue and to open our sales office in the United States.

Please introduce your founders, your core team and your broader team.


Justas Malinauskas – CEO and Founder. Justas is the person behind the grand ideas and our mission to become No 1 marketing reporting platform in the world, driving the company forward.

Andrius Malinauskas – Co-founder and CSO. Andrius has 10 years experience in B2B sales, and is our key person behind making all sales processes tick.

Tomas Malinauskas – Co-founder and CFO. Tomas has been consulting businesses for over 15 years and is running our financial and legal business side.

Core team:

Vytautas Smilingis – CTO, leading a team of 4 developers. With 6+ years experience in backend development, Vytautas is the engine and the drive in our dev team.

Agnė Kuniutytė – UX/UI designer, with 8 years experience in digital design and branding. Agnė is the person building our whole User Experience, as well as making sure that our report visuals are top of the notch.

Roberta Gaidamavičiūtė – Marketing manager, our lead generation machine.

Augustas Aušra – B2B Sales Executive, the master of client communication.

Giedrė Dubiševaitė – Operations Manager, the guardian of company’s processes.

Broad team:

Vytautas Preikšaitis – Frontend developer

Martynas Jucys – Frontend developer

Audrius Rutkus – Backend developer

Vaidas Sarsevičius – Backend developer

How has business been so far? Could you share some numbers to illustrate this (users, sales, etc)?

Justas: In 2 years, Whatagraph has grown to 9000+ users, sending 20000 reports each month.

Future plans, ambitions? Simply speaking – what’s next?

Justas: Whatagraph is on the way to become the ultimate reporting platform for digital marketing agencies, while leading the way in data simplification and visualisation for everyone.

You’ve participated at Startup Lithuania Roadshow 2017. Please share some insights, how was it for you and your team?

Justas: Startup Lithuania Roadshow 2017 was a great combination of trips to main startup locations like San Francisco or Berlin. Those trips have brought broader perspective and introduced to some  great connections, which is already demonstrating brilliant results. Roadshow is highly recommended for startups who are already thinking about expansion in the nearest future.