
Startup Of The Week

Startup Of the Week: PassCamp
Apr 27

Startup Lithuania is excited to introduce one more Lithuanian startup – PassCamp. It’s a bulletproof security-oriented password management tool, developed for collaborative teams. Read the whole interview with Arvydas Vaitkus, the Product Marketing Manager of PassCamp that has already been used by over 2,000 teams from all around the world!

So what is PassCamp? How does it work? 

PassCamp is an easy to use and bulletproof security-oriented password management tool. Since day one PassCamp has been developed to be the complete password manager for teams that rely on efficient collaboration.

What are your competitors and competitive advantages?

Our main competitors are the biggest passwords managers around the world: 1password, Lastpass, Dashlane. All of them were created for personal use and later had Teams functionality built on top. 

Unlike other tools,, PassCamp was created especially for Teams since day one. Its unique features like secure multi-tier sharing, unlimited guests and super easy-to-use interface currently help thousands of collaborating multinational teams to manage their passwords in a way that improves both security and productivity in their day-to-day activities.

What were the reasons behind coming up with this idea and launching this product?

 We have been working and delivering successful eCommerce solutions for more than 10 years. This means working with clients like Lenovo, Toshiba, JYSK, Euronics group – Topo Centras and delivering top-level digital solutions. Throughout our work, we are also responsible for handling tons of sensitive information sharing internally and externally for our clients and inside the team.

We realized the need for an efficient and secure way to handle sensitive information that our clients trust with us. The most crucial – unprotected login details that can cause some dangerous damage to their business.

For this reason, we concluded that our team needs a password manager. After trying out all the solutions that the market had to offer, we’ve realized that none of them fit our needs. Some of them were too difficult to use, others lacked features or had serious security flaws. So we decided to create our password manager. After three years of hard work, many iterations and years of continuous development, we’ve developed PassCamp – the only password manager that emphasizes security and is designed specifically for teams.

When exactly did you launch, what were the main challenges before launching?

Our beta launch was in 2018 June. During that time we have gathered early adopters that helped us with their feedback. The Teams version launched in 2018 November. After this, first teams have joined and provided us with some crucial feedback and we have been developing this tool ever since. The first huge public launch campaign happened in 2019, April. After this launch, PassCamp attracted over 1,500 multinational teams.

Each of these launches had its challenges, but one example could be growing the initial user base. The very first users were the most difficult to attract. Our experts in development, marketing, design, and customer support had all joined together to find ways to get the traction on expanding the initial user base, react quickly and solve any unexpected issues that could not be found during the testing phase. 

It has  been critical to retain our new users and make sure they’re happy with their PassCamp experience.

What are your target customers? Both in terms of user profile and geography?

PassCamp has already been used by teams from all over the world, including over 50 countries:  from Australia, the United States, Netherlands, Germany, Brazil, Singapore, etc. 

Our key focus is PassCamp for Teams. It has been created and developed for collaborative teams, that are aware of the security risks when using their sensitive data online. Additionally, for those, who look for possibilities to improve the productivity and security of their important information.

What are the main challenges while working on this product and how are you overcoming them?

Even though PassCamp is unique in its functionality and purpose, we still had to develop the tool and its features to fulfill the requirements for teams. To ensure that we’re building the best tool out there, we base the development of this tool on the feedback of our active user base. This means that we don’t build features we think the users might need – we build the features they ask for. To enable this continuous collaboration with our users, we have created the Idea page, where users can suggest and upvote features that they want to see added to PassCamp. Afterwards, we collect all these ideas, put them to our backlog, discuss and refine them and create our Roadmap that shows which direction we are heading with the product.

How are you funded? Do you seek extra funding?

Considering the PassCamp began as an internal project that was thought to be completed in a few months, the initial funding was provided by Adeo Web too. 

We are also looking into several equity crowdfunding opportunities and other options. Game changing year – other password managers collect over 200m as 1 password or others. We plan to launch a crowdfunding campaign this year. Also looking for different funding options So, if you like our story, the product and are interested in becoming invested in PassCamp – stay tuned for more news about this opportunity or contact us directly. 

Please introduce your founders, your core team and your broader team?

Currently, our main focus functionality-wise is launching the most requested functionality – PassCamp mobile app and to built functionality for larger teams as user groups and other functionality

PassCamp team includes internal and external experts from various specializations and industries: cyber security experts, developers, data scientists, UX/UI designers, digital marketing and PPC specialists, SEO experts, copywriters and advisors with various areas of expertise. Some of them work on the product full-time, some – part-time, others join when there are specific tasks or at certain stages of the project, to keep PassCamp team dynamic and flexible. 

How has business been so far? Could you share some numbers to illustrate this (users, sales, etc)?

So far PassCamp is  used by over 2,000 teams from all around the world. 

Moreover, we continue testing out various sales and marketing channels to enable even faster growth and scalability for the tools.  

We truly believe that possibilities and opportunities in SaaS, cybersecurity areas are endless – we only have to find them.

Future plans, ambitions? Simply speaking – what’s next?

We will continue to develop the tool to make it perfect for both smaller and bigger teams (up to 500) Also, maintaining the development of  Enterprise solutions customized to the needs of our larger customers. 

Simultaneously, we will continue testing out new channels and enhancing our marketing and sales efforts. Since the product’s Build stage is complete, we can focus on the Growth stage head-on and make sure that the world learns about the first and best password manager made specifically for teams. Whenever we get the chance, we proudly announce publicly  that the tool was created with love in Lithuania – we know that Lithuania has top-class cybersecurity experts, developers and and the capability to become the leading country in cybersecurity worldwide.

Our idea pool for PassCamp is bottomless and given the required resources and enough time we will build the market-leading solution that we know PassCamp has the potential to be.

Thank you for the answers!

Find more interviews with Lithuanian startups here.