
Startup Of The Week

Startup Of The Week: Hunters
Jan 22

We are happy to introduce you Hunters – a recruitment platform and our startup of the week. Product manager Darius Bieliūnas told us all about the startup and their experience participating at Startup Lithuania Roadshow 2017. Enjoy this interview!

Hey Darius! So what is Hunters? How it works?

Darius: For job seekers, Hunters is a recruitment platform connecting salespeople with real estate agencies. Our system attracts candidates and offers them new job opportunities according to their geographic location.

For companies, Hunters provides a constant flow of new, pre-qualified candidates for real estate agents positions.

What are your competitors and competitive advantages?

Darius: There are only a few companies specializing in real estate recruitment.

In order to find new candidates the vast majority of our target customers use traditional methods such as job boards, headhunting agencies, services like LinkedIn and others to find new employment opportunities. Our main advantage is our specialty – our focus, deep understanding of industry related specifics and ability to constantly deliver quality candidate leads.

What were the reasons behind coming up with this idea and launching this product?

Darius: Did you know that almost 70 % of people are not satisfied with their current job or position? We believe we can change that. Up to date we’ve changed the lives of and helped to find new jobs for hundreds of people across Europe. Before discovering Hunters, most of them did not plan to change their jobs.

When exactly did you launch, what were the main challenges before launching?

Darius: We launched in 2015 in Lithuania. We didn’t have any big challenges before launching. The main challenges appeared later on when we tried to scale our product to other industries and upon entering new markets.

What are main challenges while working on this product and how are you overcoming them?

Darius: Currently our focus is on pricing and business model related challenges.

How are you funded?

Darius: Besides investment from our accelerator in Amsterdam, we are self-funded. We are currently looking for investors who are interested in recruitment or real estate industries.

Please introduce your founders, your core team and your broader team.

Darius: Our founding team:

Ziuljenas Galeckas, CEO

12 years of proven track record of success in real estate businesses.

Darius Bieliunas, Product manager

Tech. entrepreneur with more than 15 years of experience in web development, e-commerce

and product management.

Matas Bilinkevicius, Senior developer

Developer with more than 13 years of experience.

We are team of  6  + 2 sales representatives.

How has business been so far? Could you share some numbers to illustrate this (users, sales, etc)?

Darius: Since 2015, Hunters helped more than 700 people to land their jobs in Lithuania, Luxembourg, Turkey and Estonia.  We now have more than 100 paying customers in 5 countries.

Future plans, ambitions? Simply speaking – what’s next?

Our main goals for the next 12 months are:

Enter a new major market in Europe

Have 800 paying customers

You’ve participated at Startup Lithuania Roadshow 2017. Please share some insights, how was it for you and your team?

Darius: It was a truly remarkable and inspiring journey for me personally and my team members who participated in this program.

In a relatively small period of time we’ve visited 4 countries, participated in conferences such as Slush and TechCrunch, attended numerous events, met a lot of smart people and heard a lot of interesting and inspiring stories.

We have obtained a lot of useful contacts for investors and potential partners whom we are now working with.

Thank you, Startup Lithuania, without your support and encouragement it wouldn’t have been possible.

Thank you, Darius, for the interview and good luck with Hunters!