
Startup Of The Week

Startup Of The Week: Hexito
Nov 12

After the public announcement of mandatory visitors registration for entertainment and catering services, the business remained in the dark. How to implement it? How to protect consumer data and follow the GDPR rules? A startup Hexito has come to the rescue with a free tool for registering people since there were no other similar platforms in the market. And following this great story, we introduce you to Hexito and sharing some great insights from Andrej Dunovskij, Software Developer at Hexito.

Tell us about your startup. What is Hexito? And how does it work, also, how old are you (as a startup)?

Hexito is a company created by six passionate people 3 years ago. We have, as we call it, two departments: one is “commercial” which works with clients and generates income, and the other is “startup” which works on various in-house projects and experiments. At the moment we are self-sustained without outside funding, but in the future, it might change. Our main fields are FinTech, TelCom, and logistics.

What are your competitive advantages that work? What are your competitors?

Our one of the biggest competitive advantages is a strong team with years of experience in the development field. It gives us the flexibility to quickly react to various situations and develop solutions for people, young and eager to learn people, who want to create products that make an impact.

What were the reasons behind coming up with this idea and launching this service?

As soon as we read an article about new regulations, we came up with an idea to help businesses to comply with new rules and regulations. Also, we wanted a better user experience for customers.

When exactly did you launch, what were the main challenges before launching?

Our product first public launch was on 2020-10-26. The main challenge was time because at the same time we were developing mobile apps for iOS and Android, but after some time we decided to put it on hold and concentrate on the web application.

What are your target customers? Both in terms of user profile and geography? Do you have some already?

The target customer of our product is anyone with a mobile device and with an internet connection anywhere in the world who visits places that require you to register your visit. We already have active businesses and users that use our service.

What are the biggest challenges while working on this product and how are you overcoming it?

Actually, because of our years of experience, there were none. We are used to working in extreme conditions and hours spent creating various systems helped us to create this service in just 3 days.

Tell us more about funding. How did you get it? Do you seek extra funding?

Every in-house project was funded by working on other projects as contractors. We try to be independent as much as possible, but of course, there are limits on what we can do on our own. In the future, we will search for extra help to make progress faster and implement the best decisions.

Please introduce your team!

Our team members are young people, who already have great experience in system development and have been working in the IT field their whole working career. The passion for quality and new challenges drives us forward as we are always searching for new opportunities to show our skills and learn something new each time.

Bonus question: what’s next? Tell us about your future plans.

We never stop and we always search for new projects. Fintech, Telecommunications, and Logistics – are just a few fields where we have a lot of knowledge, but we never try to put ourselves into the frames and we are open-minded to any idea. If it’s challenging and interesting, be sure that we will try to put our hands on it.

This time big applauses for sharing the story goes to Andrej Dunovskij, Software Developer at Hexito.