

Startup Lithuania Launches New Startup Database Powered by Dealroom
Jan 17

Following a rebranding just before Christmas, Startup Lithuania is now very excited to announce  an all new website including startup database. The brand and style-guide were created by Andstudio. The new website was created by Creative Partners.

Part of the website is a Lithuanian startup database, which is powered by Dealroom. Dealroom is Europe’s leading database for startups, tech companies and venture capital. Therefore the database’s info is maintained on a daily basis and always in-sync with other ecosystem maps across Europe. Founders, investors and tech enthusiasts can use the database to: lookup information, do research and contribute by adding new companies and claiming their own company.

We encourage all ecosystem members to register to the database. If you already have a Dealroom account then you can use that to login directly. If in doubt feel free to contact: [email protected].