

Startup Lithuania Has A New Look!
Dec 22

Startup Lithuania is launching new logo and website!

It has been working since 2013, organizing and coordinating hackathons, barcamps, workshops, Startup Lithuania Roadshow as well as being a partner of main startups related initiatives, so it is about the time to renew institutions’ visual identity.

New Startup Lithuania brandbook includes updated logo and all other visuals including social media. The logo and brand book was created by professional designers from Andstudio. Andstudio previously has worked with companies like Tele2, Ogilvy Vilnius, Pigeon, Modus Group and many more.

“The new logo is made of unique typographical letter ‘S’ combined with Lithuanian tricolor flag. Logo represents Startup Lithuania’s experience, professionalism and guaranteed progress in startup ecosystem. It symbolizes institution’s modern attitude, creates reliability and calmness”, says Augustinas Paukštė, Co-Founder and CEO at Andstudio.

Together with new brandbook Startup Lithuania is launching new website created by Creative Partners.

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