

Sorainen Launches Initiative for Fighting the Pandemic: Provision of Free Legal Services of EUR 100 000 in Value
May 06

The health and economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 outbreak has affected many sectors of the Lithuanian economy. As such, even after the end of the pandemic, an uneasy path to recovery awaits. To help overcome the crisis in the region and accelerate growth afterwards, law firm Sorainen is launching the Shared Mission programme, during which the firm commits to providing EUR 100 000 of legal and tax consultations for organisations and initiatives operating in the Baltic States and Belarus. All organisations and initiatives that develop products, services or initiatives to manage the COVID-19 outbreak and reduce its consequences are eligible to apply.

The Shared Mission programme is designed to accelerate the region’s recovery from the health and economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 outbreak. Says Laimonas Skibarka, managing partner of Sorainen: “Today, this goal unites different organizations and people, so we want to contribute with what we do best – by consulting on legal and tax issues. Participation in pro bono projects is an integral part of modern company operations, so over 200 Sorainen specialists in various fields of expertise will participate in the programme. An established committee will assess the needs of each selected project and appoint the most suitable experts”.

Projects eligible for support can be both local and regional. Sorainen, which operates in the Baltic States and Belarus, hopes that this initiative will help some projects to cross national borders. The selected initiatives can expect to be advised on intellectual property, data protection, cyber security, contracts, tax, environmental and other legal and tax issues.

Adds Mr Skibarka: “Both private and public or non-governmental organizations are invited to use the consultations to develop projects that will help combat the consequences of the pandemic. Another established condition for applicant organizations is that they must be active in at least one of the countries in the region. We have planned to allocate 650 consultation hours for this initiative and will evaluate each application as soon as it is received, so hopefuls should not delay their submissions.” Applications are expected by 19 May 2020.

The Shared Mission programme is planned to be an ongoing project. As the negative effects of the pandemic will not disappear along with the pandemic itself, it is expected that over time more ideas and more projects will emerge and that require legal and tax advice.

Says Mr Skibarka: “Prior to the launch of this initiative, we contributed to several COVID-19 management projects. On data protection issues, we assisted the Lithuanian National Public Health Centre, which developed an app called “Karantinas”. We provide legal advice to the “UVIRESO” team whose antiviral masks use ultraviolet rays to clean the air. And we advise the creators of the emotional assistance tool “Act on Crisis” on consumer rights, regulation and data protection issues”

The evaluation process for the first applications submitted is expected to refine the project selection criteria and to establish levers according to which support would be distributed proportionally across all countries in the region.

“The name “Shared Mission” reflects the nature of this crisis – overcoming it is not a goal of an individual country or a single person. The crisis and its consequences are faced by all of us – we are all “in the same boat”, so we need to coordinate solutions among each other. By working together we will return to our ordinary lives much sooner” – says Mr Skibarka.

Sorainen’s Shared Mission programme awaits applications before 19 May 2020. Applications can be submitted by public, private or non-governmental organizations in the Baltic States or Belarus that develop products or solutions to combat the COVID-19 pandemic or its consequences. Each eligible project will be evaluated as soon as an application is received. If you have any questions regarding the application or you would like to recommend a project worthy of support, Sorainen invites you to contact us by e-mail