

SEB to Launch Yet Another Development Programme for Fintech Companies
Aug 09

SEB, in cooperation with Mastercard and NFT Ventures, will launch the Lighthouse programme designed for promising Baltic fintech companies so that they could further develop their products and foster cooperation with banks and investors. The third Lighthouse programme is to be conducted in SEB Latvia, Riga. Interested companies can participate in the programme for free, but they have to submit their application before 12 August. 

Within the framework of the programme, companies are given an opportunity to cooperate with banking experts, investors, and representatives of Mastercard to find possibilities for cooperation in the future. 73% of the participants of the project’s previous round have begun their cooperation with Mastercard and banks or have continued to work with each other.

The third Lighthouse programme welcomes in particular companies focused on the following current topics in the financial sector:

  • Security: authentication, client identity, fraud prevention;
  • Inclusion: micro-entrepreneur solutions, financial inclusion;
  • Efficiency: banking as a service, artificial intelligence, digitalisation;
  • Experience: merchant solutions, credit acceptance, Internet of Things (IoT), payments using bracelets/watches (wearables), augmented reality (AR);
  • Engagement: data analytics, loyalty, reimbursement;
  • Payments: cross-border payments, B2B, payment supervision solutions.

A presentation of the Lighthouse programme for the interested companies will be held on Thursday, 8 August from 9.00 to 10.30 a.m. at the SEB Innovation Centre in Riga. Representatives of SEB Bank, participants of the previous programme rounds, and experts from the venture capital fund NFT Ventures will attend the event.

Companies can submit their application before 12 August by filling in the form at
Please find further information at
