

Podcasts of Start-ups Were Introduced for the First Time in Lithuania
Apr 19

Startup Lithuania team, together with news portal 15, starts publishing a series of podcasts about the products developed by start-ups and how they change today’s society habits, business and culture. Technological trends reviews in the show “Technotronika” will be available for the listeners’ attention on such platforms as: 15min.klausyk, Spotify, iTunes and Google Podcasts.

Technologies and children will be the first podcast topic. Well-known Lithuanian start-up CUJO AI and its representative Andrius Dapševičius, the Manager of Online Content Management Team, participate in the discussion on the topic. This cyber security start-up is exactly the same start-up that has developed a solution for parents to track and restrict child browsing content on the Internet.

During the podcast, participant says that CUJO AI solution makes the users feel safe on the Internet – the artificial intelligence-controlled tools that are in the possession of the start-up allow analysing how devices behave, and whether or not they are a target of hackers. The start-up‘s representative Andrius Dapševičius adds that CUJO AI started developing the product that is namely designed for the protection of children when lots of inquiries were received at American telecommunication companies from the parents who were becoming increasingly concerned about their children‘s browsing content on the Internet. “It was a great opportunity to fill this market”, – says Andrius Dapševičius.

According to Common Sense Media data, teenagers spend 9 hours, 8 to 12 years old children spend 6 hours, and children from birth to 8 years old – 50 minutes on the Internet every day.

Find the full podcast here: