

New VC Launches With the Message: “Don’t Raise Money. Generate Revenue”
Apr 18


B2B Sales still get a lot of bad rap. And too often – completely unfairly. 70Ventures aim to turn this perspective on its head and make Lithuania the new B2B centre of excellence.

70Ventures plan to invest in 70 early-stage B2B startups in the next 3 to 5 years. Pre-seed and seed stage investments will range from 20K EUR to 400K EUR, depending on the startup’s recurring revenue.

During the past 10 years, 70Ventures partners have worked with more than 50 B2B startup founders. They all came to the same conclusion: many founders spend too much time on the part of the sales funnel that does not add any value and have very little processes in place when it comes to repeating their successes.

70Ventures team will leverage a proven data-driven sales framework and work closely with the founders to build/train a predictable growth engine.

Many top-level achievements are attributable to this framework, including: 

  • Growing from 50 to 5,000 customers in just 2 years
  • Generating 10M USD of revenue in just 9 months
  • Increasing revenue by 1000% in just 1 year.

The fund is managed and run by three partners: Per Møller, Jean-Baptiste Daguené and Gytenis Galkis. Find more details about the investment milestones and the team on their website:

70Ventures are organising a kick-off party and invite the Lithuanian startup community to join them on the 25th of April, 6 pm at Arkliu g. 18. Registration: