
Startup Visa

Interview with Emplometry – Startup Visa Pitch Battle winner in Kiev
Dec 27

Meet Emplometry – a startup from Kiev, we met at our Startup Visa Roadshow a few weeks ago. Myroslav Botsula, co-founder of Emplometry, answered to some questions.

What is Emplometry? What problems does your product solve?

Myroslav: Emplometry is a cloud-based HR software that helps to retain employees and improve they satisfaction.

Our solution helps HR to visualize the status of employees, uncover what’s causing an unwanted turnover and create retention strategies to prevent it. Emplometry can determine which of the employees requires attention and what are the causes of anxiety. Emplometry will offer advice on how to level employee depending on the individual combination of risk factors.

The rise of technology and the information age has resulted in more companies that compete based primarily on their people. Unwanted employee turnover (when people are quitting) cost to companies a lot. Losing an employee can cost up to 213% of the annual salary for a highly trained position! So if an executive is making EUR 60,000 a year, the true loss could be up to EUR 127,800 to the company!

Emplometry allows filling the gap between companies HR policies and individual needs of each employee. It is crucial in terms of creating strong employer brand of companies and turning employees onto the brand ambassadors.

When exactly did you launch?

Myroslav: We launch Emplometry about 4 months ago.

What are your target customers?

Myroslav: Our first audience is medium-sized companies that work primarily in the IT sector or uses a data-based approach in their HR strategies.

How has business been so far?

Myroslav: We launch closed Beta last month with 13 companies. More than 20 companies from USA and CIS region are waiting for the open Beta stage which we plan in March 2018.

(Photo by Emplometry)

So what‘s next for Emplometry then?

Myroslav: We are implementing new features all the time. Our next big step will be AI. In terms of growth, we planned to reach EU market, and expand the number of early adopters in the US.

What are your main challenges while working on your product and how are you overcoming them?

Myroslav: The main challenge was to effectively allocate our time between existing business and the new project. With help of our experience, we managed to map all of the processes and delegate our functions to new managers which are grew inside our company.

How are you funded? Do you seek extra funding?

Myroslav: Currently, Emplometry is financed with our existing business – LMS Collaborator, which is the leader in corporate learning in our domestic market. Extra funding to be considered.

Who does your team consist of?

Myroslav: Emplometry co-founded by Vadym Kishchenko, Myroslav Botsula, Alexandr Slubsky. Vadym has 10 years expirience in finance and management. Myroslav is the expert in e-learning and data analysis. Alex is the rock-star in programming. Myroslav and Alex has successful experience in launching SaaS businesses.

What do you expect to learn from the program you have won – fast-track to AcceleratorOne accelerator and Startuphighway?

Myroslav: We want to investigate the benefits of doing business in Lithuania. Also we want to compare the proposed conditions with other offers.

Thank you Myroslav for this interview, good luck with Emplometry!