

Have an Idea that can Improve Children’s Lives? Apply for support from Reach for Change and Win 20 000 Euros
Jan 31

Reach for Change is announcing the beginning of “Game Changer” campaign. Everyone with a social business idea tackling pressing issues for children is eligible to apply and compete for an initial investment of 20 000 euros as well as expert support through Reach for Change’s incubator programme.

The 6th annual “Game Changer” campaign is being organised by Reach for Change Lithuania in collaboration with partners – TELE2 and TV3.

“We already have several success stories of ideas that went from being just ideas to businesses working towards a better life for children. For example, “” are helping parents of premature babies, “Teenshapers” are promoting healthy lifestyle and nutrition among teenagers, “Kūrybos kampas 360” is educating children about environmental problems and sustainability. This year, we are looking for smart, brave and passionate social entrepreneurs who are determined to help children to reach their full potential”, – says Jurgita Ribinskaitė-Glatzer, „Reach for change“ country manager Baltics.

The best idea will not only be awarded with 20 000 euros grant established by TELE2, but also will be included in Reach for Change’s incubator program for up to five years to scale and develop effective solutions.

Moreover, there is an additional prize of 20 000 euros awarded by „The Ella Fund“ for the second year in a row. This special prize is aimed at supporting an idea that will enable girls and women or the one that will be proposed by female social entrepreneur.

“Research proves that such investment is optimal for the early beginning of social enterprises. The winner is free to use the financial support in any way convenient for him or her – whether for rent, hiring new employees or simply for being able to quit current positions in order to fully focus on implementing the idea”, – says Jurgita Ribinskaitė-Glatzer

According to her, this competition is unique because the winner gets full support – both financial and capacity building. At least three ideas will be provided with an opportunity to join the incubator programme which consists of strategic guidance from business professionals, as well as personal consultations and mentoring.

“From our experience, early stage social entrepreneurs benefit more from capacity building support compared to financial help. They need competent advice, guidance, access to network or simply moral support. Throughout the years, incubator participants who did not receive financial investment have become just as successful as the ones who did and are still in business, working towards a better future for children”, – says Jurgita Ribinskaitė-Glatzer.

The application period is open until the 29th of February, 23:59 at

Application forms will be evaluated by an expert jury. The authors of selected ideas will be invited to interviews with the jury. Afterwards, and acceleration programme will be carried out where selected participants will have an opportunity to review and improve their solutions before going further in the selection process.

Finally, there will be a public pitching event of the best ideas on the 14th of May. The winners will be announced on International Children’s day, the 1 st of June. The event will be hosted in the Embassy of Sweden in Vilnius.

What kind of ideas are we looking for?

Jurgita Ribinskaitė-Glatzer says that it is of paramount importance that the idea is clear, feasible and has the potential to solve an actual problem faced by the children of Lithuania or even globally.

“The initiative should be creative and unique – we expect to receive innovative solutions. It is also important to mention that for the idea to move further in the selection process, it should have the potential to grow and achieve sustainability beyond our support in the long term. Also, we are looking for the right fit in terms of entrepreneur’s personality – our ideal candidate should be determined, smart, brave and passionate” – says Jurgita Ribinskaitė-Glatzer.

Both individuals and early stage organisations are eligible to apply. The most important criteria is to have an idea which would improve the lives of children and help them achieve full potential.