

First Lithuanian FinTech Summit
Oct 10


Rise Vilnius organizes a first Lithuanian FinTech Week – one-week events series full of innovation, great discussions and presentations on future of finance. For the whole week Rise Vilnius will become a FinTech hotspot where you will be able to meet, connect and talk to the leading startups, scaleups, entrepreneurs, mentors and key ecosystem players. Vibrant presentations and insights on most trending topics such as Lithuanian FinTech Strategy, Open Banking, Blockchain, Partnerships between Banks & Startups and Future of Payments will be presented during the week.

FinTech Week objectives:

  • Talk and discuss the most trending topics in Lithuania and the Globe
  • Discuss Lithuanian Fintech Strategy
  • Connect Fintech startups, Investors, banks, Fintech Hubs, Legal and other important ecosystem players
  • Grow Fintech Network in Lithuania

Who should attend FinTech Week:

Fintech and other startups, scaleups, Fintech entrepreneurs, banks’ representatives, Fintech community and business representatives, accelerators and Fintech/startup hubs looking for investors, partners, mentors, growth and scaling opportunities in Lithuania and Europe, Fintech community members.

Rise Vilnius FinTech Week events:

Dynamics and Disruption in Lithuanian FinTech

Blockchain Revolution. What’s next?

FinTech PR mistakes. How to avoid them?

Uneasy Alliance: Banks and FinTech Startups

The Future of Payments

Innovation for Growth – FinTech Week Afterparty