

ESO Launches Energy Sandbox and Allows Innovative Solutions to be Tested in Distribution Network
Mar 07

Electricity and gas distribution operator “Energijos skirstymo operatorius” (ESO) in Lithuania launches ESO Sandbox, where innovative solutions can be tested in distribution network. Innovators can test technological solutions and equipment in real life conditions and they will be considered for a wider implementation.

In ESO Sandbox project any company that is creating innovative solutions within energy sector can participate including corporations, technological start-ups, universities and science centers. ESO will provide access to the infrastructure free of charge. The testing of equipment will not cost anything and the project participants will have the opportunity to discuss the results with ESO specialists.

“In order to create a solution from an idea, it is important to test it in real life conditions. When we provide access to infrastructure or data for testing, we will encourage innovators to create innovative solutions. After evaluating the potential of tested solutions and the benefits, we are willing to collaborate and implement the solutions in the ESO network” said ESO services department director Ignas Pranskevičius.

This ESO initiative represents innovation mission of Lietuvos Energija group by actively developing innovative solutions to create an opportunity to test and implement new solutions that will allow new services to be offered, improve quality of existing services and increase customer satisfaction.

ESO will provide access to distribution network or data for the equipment and technological solutions, which would allow digitalization of the network, improve its reliability, effectiveness, integrate renewable energy resources and electricity producing consumers. We are also expecting to receive applications to experiment with micro grid, regulation load, energy storage and environment protection technologies.

It is simple to participate in ESO Sandbox project. You simply need to describe the technology you desire to test and specify what distribution network infrastructure is required for the test. After finishing testing plan and signing a cooperation agreement, you will be able to test your equipment.

The maximum duration of the testing period is one year. After finishing the testing, project participants will be invited to present the results to ESO and share insights how this equipment could be implemented in large scale.

“We have created a simple and attractive environment to test technologies. It will be easy to submit applications and the use of infrastructure will be free of charge. In addition, ESO obliges to provide help the applicants determine the most suitable location for testing of equipment, install the equipment and throughout the whole process ensure safety and reliability. Hence, the risks for the applicants will be minimal, but the opportunity is great” – emphasizes I. Pranskevičius.

ESO Sandbox website can be found here. Any questions regarding ESO Sandbox project and application process can be emailed at


More information:

Akvilė Adomaitytė
ESO Representative for public relations
Mob. (+370) 684 12130