

Create personal safety app for Hacker Games: Klaipeda and win 500 euros!
Sep 12

Meet Paulius Dauparas! As he introduced himself –  fearless collector of experience, a creator, and believer that he is free to be what he wants to be. Paulius has an idea for a useful app, for participants  to create at Hacker Games Klaipėda 2017.

Hello, Paulius, please introduce yourself.

I am creator, believer that I‘m free to be what I want, no matter what rules surround me. I am fearless collector of experiences in the pursuit of what sets my soul on fire. Courageously experimenting and turning ideas into a reality in various forms, while inspiring and helping others achieve their dreams that would enrich the community (or society).

We know, you participated in previous Hacker Games, how was your experience? Did you win something?

The last time I attended the hackathon in Klaipėda in last September as a consultant, adviser and friend in competition with no one. I’ve shared with inspiration and creative energy accumulated in the presence of the world’s biggest festival- temporary metropolis dedicated to community, art, self-expression, and self-reliance- called “The Burning Man”.

How did you come up with the idea, you’re proposing to Hacker Games: Klaipėda?

I am willing to create connections between all participants, to help uncover the idea that we could turn small product into something that will make a big difference in people‘s lives and thoughts.

Please describe your idea and what are your expectations from Hackers Game: Klaipėda participants?

I want to inspire developers to build the first version/prototype of personal safety app.

App “Live safe”. The first version of the app would target individuals who are, or potentially exposed to domestic violence. Apps aim is to help people to obtain consultative information, get support and make a safety plan. App will include physical violence, sexual violence, psychological violence and emotional abuse.

This apps could in future grow to aid persons who have suffered from criminal acts.

What is the prize for this idea developer?

500 EUR in cash and further mentoring through the development of a product.

What will be the main criteria of choosing the winner?

Simple, clear and user-friendly functionality;

Well designed, clean environment;

Statistics collection;

What would you like to advise for Hackers Game: Klaipėda participants?

Don’t be afraid of silly ideas. Try to do the things that you’re incapable of. Make your presence felt.

Thank you, Paulius, for his interview!

Don’t miss your chance to participate at Hacker Games Klaipėda 2017!