
Startup Guide Pre-accelerator
Mar 15, 09:00 - Apr 16, 18:00

Join us for the 5th cohort of the Startup Guide Pre-accelerator online program led by the experts from Startup Wise Guys! It is a perfect opportunity for beginners in the startup world! This 5-session online mentoring program is designed to guide you through the early stages of building your business. Each online session, based on Startup Guide, will be approximately 1,5 hours long.

Workshop dates:
 1st – March 19: Planning Your Business Idea 🎙️ with Simon Litvinov | 13:30 – 15:00
 2nd – March 26: Testing Your Business Idea 🎙️ with Simon Litvinov | 13:30 – 15:00
 3rd – April 2: Funding Your Business 🎙️ with Nilanjay Ghura | 16:00 – 17:30
 4th – April 9: Go to Market 🎙️ with Gilles De Clerck | 16:00 – 17:30
 5th – April 16: Failure Stories/When Things Go Wrong 🎙️ with Austin Nicholas | 16:00 – 17:30

What to expect from Startup Wise Guys? Here is a short message from them:

Planning Your Business Idea 
The workshop will answer the following questions:
– How to get startup ideas?
– How to avoid mistakes?
– How do you evaluate your idea?
– How to improve your idea?
– And how to make business out of it!
By understanding these concepts participants should fix their mindset about how to think about their first steps toward building the next unicorn.

Testing Your Business Idea 
In the upcoming workshop, we will cover 30+ discovery and validation methods that can help you confirm that your startup is proceeding in the right direction. By the end of the workshop, all attendees should be able to select at least one framework to test their next hypothesis.

Funding Your Business 
In the webinar, we will cover:
– What type of investors you should reach out to as per your startup stage?
– What do angels look for in a startup?
– What do VCs look for in a startup?
– How to structure your pitchdeck
– Nilanjay’s personal investment thesis
– Short into about Wise Angels Network
– Q&A session

Go to Market 
The workshop will cover how to step-by-step go from MVP to Product-Market Fit and scale traction from first customers.

Failure Stories / When Things Go Wrong 
“Golf is not a game of good shots. It’s a game of bad shots” – Ben Hogan. For those who play golf, they will be able to relate to this quote, and for those who don’t, but who are entrepreneurs/wannapreneurs, understand that building a business, similar to golf, is a series of failures.
In this workshop, we will share some f&$k ups, learn from one another, and create some strategies to extract the positives from setbacks by developing strength in resilience, persistence, and knowing when to try something new.”
Apply to the Pre-accelerator program here:
Deadline for application – March 15