
EPICENTRE Acceleration program
Mar 28 - May 29

EPICENTRE project aims to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and startups with innovative ideas for the health, agri-food, information technology or fintech sectors.

Maximum amount per SME: up to EUR 42,400 per SME plus up to EUR 6,850 worth of training and mentoring.

Funded activities: selected projects will have the opportunity to participate in the EPICENTRE Acceleration program and the EPICENTRE Academy, where they will receive mentoring, consulting and financial support to implement their ideas. The proposed innovative solutions must respond to the challenges identified by large companies, which can be found here:

Target group: SMEs in the EU, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Ukraine.

The project is scheduled to be split into two calls: Call 1: March 28 – May 29, 2023; Call 2: the end of 2023.

More information can be found here:

3-minute informative video explaining the call can be found here: 

Find out more and Apply 👉