CLIMATHON Vilnius 2022
Oct 21 - Oct 23
Are you determined to solve the challenges of climate change? Participate in an international event Climathon Vilnius 2022!
Climathon is an international ideathon that brings together a large community of enthusiasts around the world who strive to create cities that are not only good but also sustainable to live in. The event has been held since 2015, and for the third time in Lithuania!
How do you know if this event is for you? Join us if:
- Your environment is important to you,
- You have ambitious ideas on how to solve the problems of climate change,
- You are ready to be heard!
Specific skills are not required, but we promise – you will definitely acquire them during the CLIMATHON Vilnius 2022 weekend.
Some annual numbers:
- 200 cities are taking part
- The event gathers more than 9000 participants worldwide
- Over 800 ideas are being generated
WHEN: October 21-23
WHERE: Vilnius, Innovation Agency, J. Balčikonio st. 3.
More information coming soon. Do you want to be the first to know about the start of registration? Register here.