
Lean-Agile Mindset for Startups | Webinar
Mar 18, 15:00, 17:00

🚀 There is a saying, that all brilliant ideas and strategies without the proper execution are meaningless. That is why to reach your goals and achieve continuous success you should learn how to execute through an effective process!
☝ This is where Lean and Agile come in to help you develop a winning mindset for running your startup.
In our upcoming webinar “Lean-Agile Mindset for Startups” we are bringing together 3 specialists in Lean and Agile to tell you all about how you can use these methodologies to develop high-value solutions, make quick decisions, and continuous improvements!
 ▪ Vaidas Adomauskas, Founder of training and consulting center Agile Coach and Agile Lietuva Association; Head of Revolut Business.
 ▪ Augustinas Stirbis, Director of Engineering at CAST.AI.
 ▪ Aliona Viršutienė, Director of Engineering at Vinted.
▪ LIVE STREAM: on “Startup Lithuania” Facebook page.
▪ TIME: March 18, 3-5 PM.
▪ NO REGISTRATION, just don’t forget to press GOING (or INTERESTED) button.
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